Hormonal IUD Side Effects - IUD Help


Understanding Hormonal IUDs

Hormonal intrauterine devices (IUDs) are a popular and effective long-term contraception option. If you’re considering a hormonal IUD or already have one, it’s essential to be aware of the potential side effects, which may not always be fully disclosed by doctors.

Navigating the effects of hormonal IUDs can be challenging. Many women experience symptoms that diverge from medical expectations, leading to frustration when healthcare providers dismiss them. However, understanding these potential side effects empowers us to advocate for our health. If you’ve felt unheard or misunderstood, know that you’re not alone. Your experiences matter.


What Are IUDs?

IUDs are small, T-shaped devices inserted into the uterus by a healthcare provider. There are two primary types: hormonal and non-hormonal (copper). Both types primarily prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Hormonal IUDs release levonorgestrel, a type of progestin.


Why Am I Experiencing Side Effects from My IUD?

If your doctor assured you that IUDs have only benefits and no side effects, you might be wondering why you’re experiencing discomfort or other issues. Here’s a breakdown of what’s happening:

The Role of Progestin in IUDs

Many IUDs, especially hormonal ones like those releasing levonorgestrel, work by releasing a synthetic form of progesterone called progestin. This progestin can influence your body’s natural hormone balance. Specifically, it can cause your body to rely on the external source of progestin and reduce its production of natural progesterone.

Hormonal Imbalance: High Progestin, Low Progesterone

When your natural progesterone levels drop because your body is relying on the progestin from the IUD, it can lead to a condition known as estrogen dominance. This means your estrogen levels are high relative to your progesterone levels, even if the absolute levels of estrogen haven’t changed.


The symptoms marked with an asterisk (*) are often associated with estrogen dominance. Below is a comprehensive list of potential side effects associated with hormonal IUD use:

Device-Related Issues

  • Expelling
  • Migration
  • Migration into cervix
  • Perforation out of uterus
  • Perforation and embedding into another organ in the abdominal cavity
  • Pregnancy with IUD in place
  • Pregnancy with IUD out of place
  • Strings missing
  • Removal by hysteroscopy
  • Removal by laparoscopy
  • Broken IUD
  • Arm broken off during removal

Pain and Discomfort

Insertion Pain

  • Painful insertion

Pelvic and Abdominal Pain

  • *Pelvic pain
  • *Abdominal pain
  • *Cramps
  • *Contraction-like pains

Nerve and Musculoskeletal Pain

  • Sciatica
  • Numbness in one or both legs
  • Numbness in back
  • Numbness in foot
  • Nerve damage
  • Chronic back pain
  • Chronic neck pain
  • Chronic shoulder pain
  • Degenerated disc
  • Tingling in one or both legs
  • Tingling in back
  • Tingling in foot
  • Legs and arms fall asleep
  • Pain in foot
  • Pain in leg
  • Carpal tunnel
  • Bursitis in hips (one or both)
  • *Joint pain

Headaches and Migraines

  • *Headaches
  • *Migraines
  • Migraines with aura
  • Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) 

Pain During Activities

  • Painful sex
  • Bleeding after sex

Other Side Effects

Bleeding and Menstrual Irregularities

  • *Spotting after insertion for many months
  • *Bleeding after insertion for many months
  • *Bleeding never stopped after insertion until removed
  • *Heavier bleeds
  • *Loss of period (Amenorrhoea )
  • *Developed or increased PMS symptoms
  • *Developed or increased PMDD symptoms
  • Contraction-like pains

Mental Health and Cognitive Issues

  • *Anxiety
  • *Depression
  • *Emotional overwhelm leading to anxiety attacks (dizzy, crying, hands/arms & face going numb)
  • *Brain fog
  • *Memory issues
  • Vertigo
  • *Dizziness
  • Easily overwhelmed by life tasks
  • *Social anxiety

Cardiovascular Issues

  • High blood pressure
  • *Low blood pressure
  • *Heart palpitations

          Other Side Effects (Con’t)

          Infections and Inflammations

          • Yeast infections (recurring)
          • BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) (recurring)
          • UTIs
          • Candida Overgrowth
          • Inflamed cervix
          • Cysts on cervix
          • PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
          • Bladder infections
          • Kidney stones

          Gastrointestinal Issues

          • *Bloating
          • Upset stomach
          • Developed IBS or worsening of symptoms
          • Leaky gut
          • Acid reflux
          • *Diarrhea
          • *Constipation

          Nutritional Issues

          • Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies
          • Malabsorption of nutrients

          Sleep and Fatigue Issues

          • *Exhaustion
          • *Sleep disturbances
          • *Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

          Hormonal and Reproductive Issues

          • *Loss of libido
          • Excess Prolactin (leaking milk while not pregnant)
          • *Breast tenderness
          • *Breast fibroids
          • *Hormone imbalance
          • Estrogen dominance
          • *Low progesterone
          • *PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
          • *Short-term and long-term ovulation issues (delayed or failed)
          • *Inability to carry to term due to lack of progesterone production
          • *Infertility
          • *Ovarian cysts
          • *Fibroid development
          • Uterine polyps
          • Pregnancy symptoms
          • *Development or worsening of thyroid distruptions
          • Progestin can transfer to breast milk, potentially causing symptoms in the baby such as colic and weight loss

          Weight and Metabolism Changes

          • *Weight gain (1-15 lbs)
          • *Weight gain (16-30 lbs)
          • *Weight gain (31-50 lbs)
          • *Weight gain (50-75 lbs)
          • *Weight gain (more than 75 lbs)
          • Weight loss (uncommon)
          • Change to insulin levels
          • Fatty liver

          Musculoskeletal and Skin Issues

          • Skin sensitivities
          • Developed or worsening of rosacea
          • *Development of sun spots or liver spots on face or body
          • Vitiligo 
          • *Muscle fatigue
          • Tendonitis
          • *Bone density loss

          Sensory Issues

          • Vision changes
          • Detached Retina
          • Tinnitus
          • EMP sensitivities (electromagnetic hypersensitivity)
          • Food sensitivities
          • Chemical sensitivities
          • Heavy metal poisoning
          • Silicone poisoning

          Other Issues

          • *Hair loss
          • *Acne/Cystic acne
          • Change to hair texture
          • Seizures
          • Brain Tumor

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