
Suggested Books to Read After IUD Removal


Books to read after IUD - IUD Help

Removing an IUD can be a significant step in your reproductive health journey, whether you’re planning to conceive, manage your menstrual cycle naturally, or address hormonal imbalances. To support you during this transition, we’ve compiled a list of insightful books that offer valuable guidance on fertility, menstrual health, and overall well-being. These resources can help you understand your body better and make informed decisions about your health. Explore our curated list of books for direct purchase to find out more.

1. The Fifth Vital Sign by Lisa Hendrickson-Jack

This book delves into the importance of the menstrual cycle as a vital sign of health. Lisa Hendrickson-Jack provides comprehensive information on how to track your cycle and what it reveals about your overall health. This book is perfect for those looking to gain a deeper understanding of their menstrual health post-IUD removal.

2. Fertility Awareness Mastery Charting Workbook: A Companion to The Fifth Vital Sign, Fahrenheit Edition

Designed as a companion to “The Fifth Vital Sign,” this workbook offers practical tools for charting your menstrual cycle. It’s a hands-on guide to mastering fertility awareness, helping you to track your fertility signs and understand your cycle patterns effectively.

3. Taking Charge of Your Fertility (TCOYF) by Toni Weschler

A classic in the field of fertility awareness, Toni Weschler’s “Taking Charge of Your Fertility” is an essential guide for understanding your reproductive system. This book provides detailed information on natural birth control, conception, and reproductive health, making it a valuable resource for anyone transitioning off an IUD.

4. Period Repair Manual by Lara Briden

Lara Briden’s “Period Repair Manual” is a practical guide for treating common period problems through natural remedies and lifestyle changes. This book is particularly useful for those looking to restore their menstrual health after IUD removal, offering insights into managing symptoms and improving cycle regularity.

5. Hormone Repair Manual by Lara Briden

In “Hormone Repair Manual,” Lara Briden focuses on the hormonal changes women experience throughout their lives. This book is a great resource for understanding and addressing hormonal imbalances that may arise after discontinuing an IUD.

6. Metabolism Repair Manual by Lara Briden

Lara Briden’s “Metabolism Repair Manual” addresses the interconnections between metabolism and reproductive health. If you’re experiencing metabolic changes or weight fluctuations after IUD removal, this book offers strategies to balance your metabolism naturally.

7. In the Flow by Alyssa Vitti

“In the Flow” by Alyssa Vitti explores the concept of living in harmony with your menstrual cycle. Vitti provides a detailed plan to optimize your life, work, and health according to your hormonal patterns. This book is perfect for understanding how to align your lifestyle with your cycle after IUD removal.

8. Beyond the Pill by Dr. Jolene Brighten

“Beyond the Pill” offers a comprehensive guide to restoring hormonal balance after discontinuing hormonal birth control. Dr. Jolene Brighten provides actionable steps for detoxifying your body, replenishing nutrient deficiencies, and balancing your hormones naturally.

9. Fix Your Period by Nicole Jardim

Nicole Jardim’s “Fix Your Period” is a step-by-step program for addressing menstrual issues and restoring balance. This book covers various aspects of menstrual health, making it a valuable resource for those looking to fix their period after IUD removal.

10. It Starts with the Egg: How the Science of Egg Quality Can Help You Get Pregnant Naturally, Prevent Miscarriage, and Improve Your Odds in IVF by Rebecca Fett

Rebecca Fett’s book focuses on improving egg quality through scientific research and practical advice. Whether you’re planning to conceive or simply want to optimize your reproductive health after IUD removal, this book offers invaluable insights and strategies.

11. WomanCode by Alisa Vitti

Alisa Vitti’s “WomanCode” is a comprehensive guide to balancing hormones and optimizing overall health through nutrition and lifestyle changes. This book offers a holistic approach to restoring hormonal harmony and improving reproductive health after IUD removal.

12. The Hormone Cure by Dr. Sara Gottfried

Dr. Sara Gottfried’s “The Hormone Cure” provides a three-step program for balancing hormones naturally. The book covers a range of hormone-related issues and offers practical advice on how to reset your hormones and restore your health.

13. No Period. Now What? by Dr. Nicola Rinaldi

This book is an in-depth resource for women experiencing amenorrhea (the absence of periods) and other menstrual irregularities. Dr. Nicola Rinaldi provides evidence-based guidance on how to recover your menstrual cycle through nutrition, lifestyle changes, and exercise modifications.

14. The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution by Dr. Aviva Romm

Dr. Aviva Romm’s “The Adrenal Thyroid Revolution” addresses the interconnected health of the adrenal and thyroid glands, which play a crucial role in hormonal balance. This book offers a holistic plan to reset your metabolism, balance hormones, and revitalize your energy.

15. The PCOS Plan by Dr. Jason Fung and Nadia Brito Pateguana

If you have been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or are experiencing similar symptoms post-IUD removal, “The PCOS Plan” provides a comprehensive dietary and lifestyle plan to manage symptoms and restore hormonal balance.

16. The Woman’s Herbal Apothecary by JJ Pursell

“The Woman’s Herbal Apothecary” is a practical guide to using herbs for women’s health. JJ Pursell provides detailed information on how to use herbal remedies to support hormonal balance, menstrual health, and overall well-being.

17. Natural Solutions for Digestive Health by Dr. Jillian Teta

Digestive health is closely linked to hormonal balance and overall wellness. Dr. Jillian Teta’s book offers natural solutions for improving gut health, which can be particularly beneficial after hormonal birth control.

18. Your Brain on Birth Control by Dr. Sarah E. Hill

Dr. Sarah E. Hill’s “Your Brain on Birth Control” explores the impact of hormonal birth control on the brain and overall health. This book provides insights into how to support mental and emotional health after discontinuing hormonal contraception.

19. The Detox Prescription by Dr. Woodson Merrell

“The Detox Prescription” offers a comprehensive plan for detoxifying your body through diet, lifestyle changes, and holistic practices. This book can be particularly helpful for those looking to cleanse their system and restore health after IUD removal.

20. Clean by Dr. Alejandro Junger

Dr. Alejandro Junger’s “Clean” presents a 21-day detox program designed to rejuvenate the body and restore health. This book includes dietary plans, recipes, and lifestyle tips to support overall wellness and hormonal balance.


These books provide a wealth of knowledge on fertility awareness, hormonal health, and overall wellness, making them valuable resources as you navigate life after IUD removal. Whether you’re aiming to conceive, manage your menstrual cycle naturally, or address hormonal imbalances, each book offers unique insights and practical advice to support your journey. Empower yourself with the information you need to understand your body better and make informed decisions about your health. Happy reading and here’s to your well-being!


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